
Any social worker, social professional, Trauma & Frontline/First Responders, staff member or volunteer of any Non-Profit organisation or Corporate in Australia and their friends & family, especially the ones who deal with the pain & suffering of others in society.

  • An hour-long In-Person Program taught by Adiguru Prakriti to learn Breathing & Meditation Techniques required to prevent mental health issues.

  • Through insightful lessons and practical exercises, participants will understand preventive mental health deeply and develop resilience-enhancing practices.

  • This program is free of cost & is for all the staff members, volunteers, Trauma & Frontline/First Responders, and social workers & their friends & family of any NGO/Non-Profit/Corporate organisation across Victoria, Australia. The only cost will be to book the community hall around your area if you do not have an office space or meeting room large enough to accommodate all staff members, volunteers, and social workers.

Course curriculum

    1. Information | Thriving Minds Program

    1. In the Here and Now

    2. Mindful Choices, Lasting Wellness: Your Voice in Prevention

About this course

  • Free
  • 3 lessons