Benefits & Types of Initiations

Initiation brings out what you have within and help you clear the inner stuff with much clarity. It helps with the spiritual goals that you may have. Initiation is the consecration of the Being that you are. You may take as many initiations as you may need. Along with powerful energy transmission, Initiations may have a Mantra, a Kriya (spiritual practice) or both. 

There are many different types of Initiations like Shaktipath, Guru, Lakshmi, Kali, Kriya, Kundalini, and so many more. If you are unclear on which initiation you may need, discussing it with the Guru is better. 

Adiguru Prakriti is a great Yogini, the mighty Shakti and has initiated seekers, yogi & yogini into different types of Initiations from around the world. Through her powerful initiations, many have walked their spiritual journey successfully to Samadhi, and many more are in the process. 


Get Ready | Initiation | Afterwards

  • You will be given few options to select the Date/Time and you can choose as per your convenience. Couple of days before Initiation, practice some quietness, meditation, silence, stabilize your existence. On the day of Initiation, take shower, wear lose clothes, try not to eat much and sit in a quiet place where you can't be disturbed for an hour.

  • Start the Initiation session (Zoom) and sit quietly on the floor or chair, take few deep breaths, meditate. Adiguru Prakriti will perform the Shakti Transmission and Initiation will be given. It takes few minutes.

  • After Initiation, for 24 hours; meditate as much as you can, talk less, eat light food and observe silence. Do not perform any heavy chores/tasks.